Will Hawkins is a critical member of our team, working tirelessly behind the scenes to support our client’s storefronts. Find out what he does on the daily as a Web Experience Specialist at Thumbprint, what he’s up to when he’s off the clock, and more below!
Where did you grow up/what did you like about living there?
I grew up dividing my time between Plant City and Winter Park, Florida. I was fortunate to have family in both towns, and one thing that stands out is that I was always on the road going on a fun new adventure.
What is your role at Thumbprint?
I’m a Web Experience Specialist at Thumbprint. I help maintain the various websites we administer. This can include helping users with technical issues, adding new content to different sites, and scaling existing systems to meet new needs.
How long have you been with Thumbprint?
I am thrilled to say I have been with Thumbprint for over a year now.
What is your favorite thing about working at Thumbprint?
When you work with amazing people, it’s hard to call what I do work! Truly what stands out to me is the atmosphere we work in. Everyone here is so friendly but also great at what they do. These elements combine to make something truly unique, and I’m proud to call myself a Thumbprint team member.
What do you like about working in the brand logistics industry?
The nature of our industry ensures that there are always new and exciting creative projects to work on. With each new website we build, there is so much to learn. Creating a great brand experience for our users makes me a better creative thinker.
What is it you like most about working on the Web Team?
Working on the web team at Thumbprint is the most rewarding professional experience I’ve ever had. I like the critical thinking we do as a team when we solve current technical issues while also preserving the future roadmap for our websites. I feel fortunate to work with some truly talented team members, and we learn a lot from each other. Also, I would argue that the Web Team has the most fun during lunch at the office!
Over the past 4 months, there has been a shift in focus at Thumbprint towards personal protection equipment (PPE). What has that meant to you?
Yes, there has been quite a shift in our priorities over the past several months, but what’s been so gratifying is that we’ve been able to pivot so efficiently. This summer has proven what I already knew, that the Thumbprint team knows what it takes to provide the best experience for our clients, no matter the industry climate. There has been a renewed sense of comradery and creative zeal, which has prepared us for the bigger and better things that lie ahead.
Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?
My favorite hobby would have to be photography. I love photographing people and preserving unique moments in time. I’m a fan of Sony’s mirrorless cameras, which make it easier to shoot without using a flash.
What show are you currently binge-watching?
I usually prefer listening to music over watching TV, but currently, I’m catching up on Altered Carbon. I’m also excited for the next season of Star Trek: Picard!
Favorite meal?
Any steak from Linda’s LaCantina in Orlando would have to be my favorite thing to eat.
Favorite Book?
My favorite book is probably “How To Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. My Father recommended the book to me as a teen, and it taught me a lot about business.
Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?
The most exotic place I’ve traveled to was Barcelona, but I would say my favorite place to visit is downtown St. Augustine.
Fun Fact about yourself?
I’m the guy who donates $3 to Wikipedia when they ask. I spend more time than I’d like to admit on that site!